
PageFit 0.2.1

PageFit automatically refits the Windows pagination file to the detected user needs. This reduces fragmentation and slowness of Windows. It dynamically analyses the real virtual file usage and set the appropriate file size and fully automatic, no settings...

DocUpdate Portable is a productivity tool designed to keep you informed about the latest documents created and updated by your co-workers. You do not want to miss a document update, DocUpdate Portable will help you to be more productive and...

FileTime (64-Bit)

FileTime (64-Bit) 2.0.3680.7000

FileTime (64-Bit) allows you to change the creation, modify and last accessing date and time of a file or the creation date and time of a folder. You can use this software in two ways. By download or install the executable file or install the shell...


iRecover 6.1

iRecover supports all major file systems: FAT, FAT32, NTFS (all versions) and Linux Ext2. iRecover is a one-stop solution for undelete, unformat, partition, RAID, and image recovery. Windows 2000, XP, or Vista basic and dynamic disks are supported....

PSP Save Data Manager can find, copy, backup or delete your save data files in the way you want. You can find it easily by start typing a part or the full that you want to find it. Also you can find the save data by sorting the save data by name, save...



BatchFileRenamer is a free application to rename multiple files in batch mode at once. The most awesome features of the tool are: - Renaming rules(actions). Entire workflow consist of a simple steps of adding so-called "processing rules". You...


FileSearch 0.3.1

FileSearch is a multi-threaded documents searcher. No indexes need to be updated and no background service is required. The more you have drives the more search speed is increased thanks to its multi-threading technique.Requirements:Microsoft .NET...

FileSearch Portable is a multi-threaded documents searcher. No indexes need to be updated and no background service is required. The more you have drives the more search speed is increased thanks to its multi-threading technique.Requirements:Microsoft...

Text Finding

Text Finding 1.2.5

Text Finding can instantly find files with text on your PC and networked computers. It can perform full-text content search in many types of files, inlcluding PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, Outlook Express, text, and many...